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How to join the origami mailing list
- 1.
How do I subscribe to this group?
- You may subscribe to this list by sending a mail to:
with a line in it saying:
subscribe origami your name
subscribe origami Bill Clinton
- 2.
How do I send mail to the members of the mailing list?
- To send mail to the list and have it resent to all subscribers, send it to:
and specify an appropriate subject. See question and answer 8 below.
- 3.
How do I get help about the listserver?
- You may get help from the listserver by sending mail to:
with a line in it saying:
- 4.
How do I unsubscribe to this group?
- You may unsubscribe from this list by sending mail to:
with a line in it saying:
signoff origami
See also the answer to the next question, if the unsubscribe request is
not effectuated within a reasonable time (usually several days).
- 5.
I get all messages twice. How do I correct this?
- When system personnel have reorganised your mail region (for some reason),
it is possible that your email address has changed. You then have to
resubscribe to be able to send messages to the list.
If you didn't unsubscribe before the reorganisation, you are on the
list twice, and can't unsubscribe your old address yourself.
In that case send mail to origami-request@mit.edu (the list owners)
mentioning which email address to remove from the list (origami).
The list owners are human beings with a limited amount of time, so be
patient while awaiting your deletion from the list.
- 6.
I don't like getting all messages spread over the day. What can I do?
- The question had been raised as to what the "digest" version of this
mailing is all about. The list server for this newsletter takes all
our communications to it, removes all the front addresses, leaving only
the sender's name and subject. It then takes all the letters and sends
them out as a group. Since I did this, my internet time to receive this
mailing has been cut by 50%.
How do you do it? Send mail to:
Do not list any subject...leave the line blank.
In the normal body of the letter enter:
set origami digest
The next mailing that is made will be in this form.
- 7.
Are there more mailing lists on Origami?
- The list was originally started at the origami-request@cs.utexas.edu
address by Brad Blumenthal. When he got another job the list was moved
over to the origami-l@nstn.ns.ca address. They left a forward instruction
on the utexas.edu address. That's all. Now we are hosted at
origami@mit.edu by Joseph Wu.
- 8.
Do I need to specify an appropriate subject?
- Yes. The subject should be relevant to the message. That's because you
can query the archived mail via email. See the
files FAQ. So when you reply to a mail instead
of sending a new mail just because you don't want to type the list
address, you should change the subject to an appropriate text.
Especially for VAX computer users:
Type reply/subject="xxx" where xxx is the new subject. The
procedure then continues as a reply.
Incorrent subject lines are very confusing, especially when they appear in
a folder directory.
Last updated by
Maarten van Gelder
on August 5, 1994.
Converted to HTML by
Joseph Wu
on February 15, 1995.